Smoke Testing For Efficiency And Better Process
WW: 3.0 Hrs. Direct
This will be a three-hour hands-on training session onsite on Rt 113 in Georgetown Delaware. The wastewater professional will learn with hands on training how to use a sewer smoker by starting and feeding liquid smoke. Maintenance of the machine and storage of chemicals (liquid smoke).
Smoke testing is the most efficient and cost-effective way to locate and identify where unauthorized water is entering the public portion of the sewer system and find areas of the sewer system that need improvement.
This testing helps prevent short circuiting in a wastewater plant from occurring when water flows from the inlet to the outlet bypassing the treatment process. This can and will destroy the biological process and cost many extra dollars in treating rainwater and plant damage.
For More Information:
Milford, Delaware 19963
United States 302.424.3792